of organic rich diet on gut enzymes, microbes and
of earthworm, Eudrilus eugienea
Sumathi and Arockiam Thaddeus*
of Zoology, Jayaraj Annapackiam College for Women (Autonomous) Periyakulam
? 625 601, India.
Author email :
Paper received:
07 April 2011
Revised received:
29 November 2011
Re-revised received:
03 March 2012
27 July 2012
provides scope and opportunities in the field of Biotechnology. The sudden
decline in earthworm biomass may mainly be due to the over use of chemicals.
Steps had been taken to enhance the production of biomass of earthworms by
providing organic wastes rich in major organic constituents such as cereals,
pulses and skin of chick. Earthworms (Eudrilus eugienea) were fed with
organic constituents individually, and in combination of organic rich diet.
The biomass of the earthworm was steadily increasing in the individual
treatment was found when fed with organic rich diet at 10, 20 and 30 days
respectively 09.987, 13.569 and 18.212. The bacterial counts in the gut of
earthworms were 543 x 105?CFU
ml-1. The
bacteria identified were Bacillus spp., Lactobacillus spp and Flavobacterium
spp. Enzymes screened in the gut were amylase, endoglucanase, cellulase,
sucrase and protease. From the present investigation, it was found that the
organic rich diet is the ideal medium in which the biomass of earthworms are
high, their enzymatic activity was also high with variety of microbes which
will enhance the efficiency of the soil.
Key words
eugienea, Organic rich diet, Enzyme, Microbes
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