and diversity of aquatic insects of Vellayani lake
Abhijna, R. Ratheesh and A. Biju Kumar*
of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries, University of Kerala,
Thiruvananthapuram-695 581, India
Author email : abiju@rediffmail.com
Paper received:
02 January 2012
Revised received:
07 June 2012
27 July 2012
diversity of insect fauna of Vellayani lake in Kerala was represented by 60
species classified under 37 families and 8 orders. Among the entomofauna
collected from the lake, the order Coleoptera was diverse in number of genera
(22). Shannon index was highest in station 2 (3.214) and lowest (2.839) in
station 4. The higher richness index was also recorded in station 2 (6.331),
though the lowest species richness was observed in Station 1 (5.205). The
order Ephemeroptera is represented in Vellayani lake by the families Baetidae
and Caenidae, which are considered as an indicator of water quality. Of the
15 metrices selected, taxa richness, Composition measures, Tolerance and
Intolerance and Functional groups were also found out for all the stations.
In the present study, the percentage of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera,
Trichoptera (EPT) taxa richness and diversity remained high in Station 1, 2
and 3 but reduced drastically in stations 4 and 5. The high HBI value
recorded at station 4 is due to the abundance of pollution tolerant taxa such
as Chironomidae, Tabanidae, Culicidae and Anophilinae. The results of the
study reveal greater diversity of aquatic entomofauna in Vellayani freshwater
lake and suggest the possibility of using insects effectively for
biomonitoring programmes.
Insect fauna, Lake, EPT taxa, Hilsenhoff biotic index, Biomonitoring
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