of the volatile oil composition of three
Atalantia species
K. Das and P.S. Swamy*
of Plant Science, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai-625 021, India
Author email :
Paper received:
29 October 2011
Revised received:
03 April 2012
Re-revised received:
06 July 2012
08 August 2012
members of the genus Atalantia belonging to the family Rutaceae have
many uses in traditional medicine. The aim of the present study was to
investigate and compare the chemical composition of essential oils of three
species of Atalantia namely Atalantia monophylla (Roxb.)
DC., Atalantia racemosa Wight. and Atalantia wightii
Tanaka. The extract percentage of the obtained essential oil was found to be
0.2, 0.17 and 0.31% in A. monophylla, A. racemosa and A.
wightii respectively. The major compounds identified were a-Asarone
(28.82%), Sabinene (13.19%), Eugenol methyl ether (12.71%),
1,2-Dimethoxy-4-(2-methoxyethenyl)benzene (11.63%) and b-Pinene
(5.3%) in the essential oil of A. monophylla. In A. racemosa,
T-Cadinol (11.08%), Caryophyllene oxide (9.78%), b-Caryophyllene
(9.20%), Spathulenol (7.21%), b-Phellandrene (5.67%) and?
Decanal (4.01%) and? in A. wightii b-Caryophyllene
(16.37%), D-Limnonene (12.15%), Decanal (10.49%), b-Myrcene
(7.67%), Tetradecanal (6.99%), Caryophyllene oxide (6.29%) and Hexadecylene
oxide (5.87%) were the main constituents. Sesquiterpenes were the major class
of compounds in A. racemosa and A. wightii, while in A.
monophylla the essential oil was predominated by ether compounds. The
results showed that GC/MS analysis of essential oils is a significant step in
the bio-chemical profiling and bio-prospecting of Atalantia species.
Key words
Rutaceae, Essential oil, Sesquiterpenes
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