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Abstract - Issue Mar 2013, 34 (2) Back
nstantaneous and historical temperature effects on a-pinene
on the zooplankton biodiversity and density in
estuary, Chennai, India
Janakiraman, M.S. Naveed, P. Muthupriya, J. Sugumaran, M. Asrar Sheriff and
K. Altaff*
of Reproductive Biology and Live Feed Culture, Department of Zoology, The New
College (Autonomous), Chennai-600 014, India
Author email :
Paper received:
31 December 2011
Revised received:
08 May 2012
26 July 2012
Adyar estuary was once known for its unique ecology and endemic flora and
fauna, has lost its pristine condition due to urbanization, discharge of
untreated domestic wastes, industrial effluents and encroachments.
Zooplankton were monitored for a period of one year from July 2009 to June
2010, following standard methods to evaluate the seasonal variations in
diversity and density in relation to environmental parameters like
temperature (28.6-33.6?C), salinity (23.3-30.3?), pH (7.3-7.8) and DO (4.4-7.1mg l-1). Highest diversity was
observed during post-monsoon? (20 species) and pre-monsoon (19 species),
followed by summer (9 species) and monsoon? (9 species). The zooplankton
density was maximum during summer (1887167 m-3) followed by pre-monsoon? (1843832? m-3),? post-monsoon?
(1153333 m-3)?
and monsoon? (182334 m-3).
Zooplankton community structure and dynamics showed a differential pattern
with dominance of harpacticoids and rotifers in pre-monsoon; cyclopoids and
rotifers during post-monsoon and summer. The significance of monitoring
zooplankton biodiversity as a base-line study for future investigations on
environmental changes in this area is discussed.
Key words
estuary, Zooplankton, Biodiversity
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