of alphamethrin on biochemical parameters of
Tripathi* and H. Singh
of Zoology, J.N.V. University, Jodhpur-342 033, India
Author email :
Paper received:
08 February 2011
Revised received:
15 April 2012
26 July 2012
of alphamethrin (synthetic pyrethroid) on profiles of lactate dehydrogenase
(LDH), catalase (CAT), DNA, RNA and protein in liver, brain, gill and
skeletal muscle of the freshwater food fish Channa punctatus were
investigated. Exposure of sublethal concentration of alphamethrin (0.018 ppm
for 14 days) increased the activity of LDH in liver (1.8 fold), brain (1.4
fold), gill(1.6 fold),? and skeletal muscle(2.2 fold) of the fish. However,
it significantly decreased the activity of CAT in the tissues of liver (54%),
skeletal muscle (52%), gill (51%) and brain (49%) of the fish. Similarly, DNA
(skeletal muscle (36%), liver (30%), brain (28%) and gill (25%)) RNA (liver
(42%), brain (32%), gill (35%) and skeletal muscle (45%) ) and protein
content (45%), brain (42%), gill (36%), and skeletal muscle (27%)) declined
in different tissues of the fish exposed to alphamethrin. Maximum increase in
the level of LDH was in skeletal muscle (2.2 fold) and minimum in brain (1.4
fold). Maximum reduction in CAT profile was in liver (54%), and minimum in
brain (49%). Declines in DNA was maximum in skeletal muscle (36%) and minimum
in gill (25%) whereas RNA and protein content were maximum in liver (42% and
45% respectively) and minimum in skeletal muscle (45% and 27% respectively).
Alphamethrin was toxic to the freshwater fish due to its inducing effect on
anaerobic enzyme (LDH) and inhibitory effect on antioxidant enzyme (CAT),
DNA, RNA and protein. This reflected alphamethrin associated increase in
anaerobiosis and decrease in oxidative defense and impairment in protein
synthesizing capacity of C. punctatus. Further, induction in LDH and
reduction in CAT and protein profile may be used as biomarker of alphamethrin
toxicity in fish.
Key words
Channa punctatus, Antioxidative enzyme, Anaerobic enzyme
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