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Abstract - Issue Nov 2012, 33 (6) Back
nstantaneous and historical temperature effects on a-pinene
information on noise pollution in commercial banks of Balasore, India
(Corresponding author)
Department of Geology, Ravenshaw
University, Cuttack-753 003, India
Kumar Swain
Department of Environmental Science,
Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar-751 004,
Paper received:
28 January 2011
Revised received:
02 July 2011
06 August 2011
The environmental noise in some
commercial banks of Balasore, in terms of standard noise indices was worked
out in the present study. Noise pollution was assessed in twenty different
commercial banks of the city on 31st August, 2010 and during first week of
September, 2010. The present noise monitoring was conducted with the help of
sound level meter, which was calibrated acoustically using an external
reference source, and placed over the microphone. It is inferred that the
noise levels were more than the permissible limit i.e. 50 dB as prescribed in
USA in all the investigated banks of Balasore and the maximum noise levels
were around double of the said permissible limit, which is a contradiction
with that of developed countries. Analysis of variance was also computed for
all the banks during peak hour (10a.m.-12noon). The mean values of noise
levels in different banks ranged from 75.5 to 90dB; from 69 to 83.6dB and
71.5 to 83.5dB during 10a.m.-12noon, 12-2p.m. and 2-4p.m., respectively. It
was categorically observed that noise levels were more during 10a.m.-12noon
than other investigated time intervals in all the 20 investigated banks. It
is imperative to mention here that such an attempt of assessing noise in
banks is first of its kind in India.
Key words
Indian Banks, Noise pollution
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