nstantaneous and historical temperature effects on a-pinene
Conservation of soil, water
and nutrients in surface
runoff using riparian plant
Author Details
Environmental Lab., P.G. Department of Botany, D.S.College,
Aligarh - 202 001, India
e-mail: praboodh23@yahoo.co.uk
Lab., P.G. Department of Botany, D.S.College, Aligarh - 202 001, India
Publication Data
Paper received:
June 2010
December 2010
08 January 2011
Three riparian plant species
viz. Cynodondactylon
(L.) Pers., SaccharumbengalensisRetz. andPartheniumhysterophorusL. were selected from the riparian zone of Kali river at Aligarh to
conduct the surface runoff experiment to compare their conservation
efficiencies for soil, water and nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen).
Experimental plots were prepared on artificial slopes in botanical garden and
on natural slopes on study site. Selected riparian plant species showed the
range of conservation values for soil and water from 47.11 to 95.22% and
44.06 to 72.50%, respectively on artificial slope and from 44.53 to 95.33%
and 48.36 to 73.15%, respectively on natural slope. Conservation values for
phosphorus and nitrogen ranged from 40.83 to 88.89% and 59.78 to 82.22%,
respectively on artificial slope and from 50.01 to 90.16% and 68.07 to
85.62%, respectively on natural slope. It was observed that Cynodondactylon
was the most efficient riparian species in conservation of soil, water and
nutrients in surface runoff.
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