nstantaneous and historical temperature effects on a-pinene
Macroenvironmental influence on Hepatozoonlacertilis
infectivity to lizard Hemidactylusflaviviridis
Author Details
(Corresponding author)
Department of Animal Science, M.J.P.RohilkhandUniversity, Bareilly - 243 006, India
e-mail: guptagrawal@rediffmail.com
of Animal Science, M.J.P.RohilkhandUniversity, Bareilly
- 243 006, India
of Zoology, BareillyCollege, Bareilly - 243 005, India
Publication Data
Paper Received:
23 July 2009
25 May 2010
15 July 2010
HemidactylusflaviviridisRuppell, 1835 (n= 199) sampled during different
seasons from Bareilly,
(Uttar Pradesh, India) were infected with a sporozoan parasite belonging to the genus HepatozoonMiller, 1908. Four morpho-variants of the parasite, Type I, II, III and IV
were identified on their growing pattern. When compared with earlier reported
species, the parasite could be characterized taxonomically by its
comparatively greater length 17.35 (13.57-21.30) mm
and width 7.51 (5.59-10.11) mm, unusual larger
size of parasite nuclear length 8.86 (4.75-15.83) mm
and width 3.55 (2.14-5.11) mm and cytomorphological differences. These characteristics
warrant creation of a new species and was named Hepatozoonlacertilis?sp. nov.
The morpho-variants, their effect on host cell and
host nuclei are clearly illustrated. The influence of macroenvironmental
factor (host sex) on parasitic infectivity indicated that it was 7.14% prevalant in male and 6.25% in female Hemidactylusflaviviridis.
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