nstantaneous and historical temperature effects on a-pinene
Reliability of solid phase microextraction in estimating
bioavailability of pyrene
in soil
Author Details
Hsiang-Chao Liu
Department of Environmental Engineering, NationalChungShingUniversity, No. 250, KuoKuang
Road, Taichung, Taiwan - 40227,ROC
(Corresponding author)
Department of Environmental Engineering, Hung Kuang University, No. 34, Chung Chie Rd., Sha Lu,
Taichung, Taiwan - 43302, ROC
Jui-Min Hung
Department of Environmental
Engineering, NationalChungShingUniversity,
No. 250, KuoKuang
Road, Taichung, Taiwan? - 40227, ROC
Department of Post-Modern
Agriculture, MingDaoUniversity,
No.369, Wenhua
Rd., Peetow,
Changhua, Taiwan - 52345, ROC
Department of Environmental
Engineering, NationalChungShingUniversity,
No. 250, KuoKuang
Road, Taichung, Taiwan, 40227,ROC
Chih-Jen Lu
Department of Environmental
Engineering, NationalChungShingUniversity,
No. 250, KuoKuang
Road, Taichung, Taiwan, 40227,ROC
Publication Data
Paper received:
December 2009
May 2010
01 June 2010
Solid phase microextraction (SPME) coupled with gas chromatography
was employed to estimate bioavailability of pyrene
in soils with different properties of textures, organic matter contents (SOM)
and aging periods. Experimental results indicated that
biodegradation rates increased from 0.10 (sandy loam) to 0.15 (silty loam) mg
g-1 hr-1. By contrast, biodegradation rate decreased
from 0.10 (1.3% SOM) to 0.04 (7.6% SOM) mg
g-1 hr-1. The amounts of pyrene
biodegraded decreased 27% when SOM was modified from 1.3 to 7.6%, indicating
that distributions of pyrene in soils at
biodegradation end points were affected by the SOM. Sequestration as measured
by sonication extraction had evidently occurred in
aged soil samples. SPME measurements slightly overestimated the amount of pyrene degraded by indigenous and seeded microorganisms,
in soils with the different properties (correlation coefficient, R2 =
0.74). The present study demonstrates that the SPME method can not replace
biodegradation tests commonly used for predicting bioremediation efficacy.
SPME, Gas chromatography,
Bioavailability, Pyrene, Soil
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