Studies on in vitro
degradability of mixed crude enzyme
extracts produced
from Pleurotus spp.
Ram Naraian*1, Dharam Singh2, Anju
Verma2 and S.K. Garg3
1Department of Microbiology, 2Department of Environmental Science, Institute of Bioscience
and Biotechnology,
Chhatrapati Sahu
Ji Mahraj University, Kanpur
- 208 024, India
3Department of Microbiology, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University,
Faizabad - 224 001, India
(Received: November 17, 2009; Revised
received: March
15, 2010; Accepted: April 20, 2010)
Abstract: A preliminary investigation was
conducted to assess lignocellulolytic efficiency of
crude extracts from three white-rot fungi, Pleurotus florida
PF05 (PF), Pleurotus sajor-caju
PS07 (PS) and Pleurotus eryngii
PE08 (PE). The activities of CMC-ase, xylanase, b-glucosidase,
b-xylosidase, laccase and Mn peroxidase in extracts were evaluated. PF produced its
highest CMC-ase (317 UL-1), ?b-glucosidase
(62 UL-1), b-xylosidase
(37 UL-1) and laccase (347 UL-1)
activities while, PS produced highest xylanase (269
UL-1) and Mn peroxidase
(69 UL-1) activities. In addition, crude extracts extracted were
employed for their in vitro degradability assessment; and were evaluated with
mono and mixed extracts separately to corn cob substrate. The losses in cell
wall components and dry matter during 5 and 10 days incubations were
analyzed after treatments of extracts. Maximum 8.2, 4.4 and 2.8% loss were
found respectively in hemicellulose (HC), cellulose
(C) and lignin (L) with mono extract of PF within 10 days. The influence of
mono extract of each strain (PF, PS and PE) and their mixed extracts (PF+PS,
PF+PE, PS+PE and PF+PS+PE) on degradation of cell wall constituents were remarkably
differed. The mixed extract treatment proved maximum 13.6% HC loss by PF+PS+PE
extract, 9.2% loss in C by PF+PS extract and 5.2% loss of L by the
PF+PS+PE? extract treatment. The highest
dry matter loss (8.2%) was recorded with PF+PS+PE mixed extract combination.
words: Pleurotus
spp., Corn cob, Lignocellulolytic
enzymes, Degradation, Enzyme extract
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