Journal of Environmental BiologypISSN: 0254-8704 ; eISSN: 2394-0379 ; CODEN: JEBIDP |
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Abstract - Issue Nov 2010, 31 (6) BackNitrogen and sulphur mustard induced histopathological observations
in mouse visceral organs Manoj
Sharma1, S.C. Pant*1, J.C. Pant2 and R. Vijayaraghavan1 1Defence
Research and Development Establishment, 2Department
of Zoology, S.S.J. Campus, (Received: Abstract: Nitrogen mustards (HN) and sulphur mustard (SM) are potent alkylating blister inducing chemical warfare agents. Single
1.0 LD50 dose produced a progressive fall in body weight
from second day onwards in all groups of mustard agents exposed animals. Histological
examination of spleen, liver, skin and kidney revealed significant
histopathological lesions in nitrogen mustards and sulphur
mustard. These lesions include granulovascular
degeneration with perinuclear clumping of the
cytoplasm of hepatocytes and renal parenchymal cells. Renal lesions were characterized by
congestion and hemorrhage. The maximum toxic manifestation
were noted in spleen and skin of HN-3 exposed mice while sulphur mustard reported maximum toxicity in liver and
kidneys. The study suggests both nitrogen mustards and sulphur
mustard to be extremely toxic by percutaneous route
based on histopathological observation and can contributed to earlier reported
free radical generation by these toxicants. Key words: Nitrogen mustard, Mechlorethamine,
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form without prior permission. Responsibility regarding the authenticity
of the data, and the acceptability of the conclusions enforced or derived, rest
completely with the author(s). |