Effects of nitrogen treatments and
harvesting stages on the aconitic
invert sugar and fiber in sweet sorghum cultivars
A. Almodares*1,
M. Ranjbar2 and M.R. Hadi3
1Biology Department, College
of Science, University
of Isfahan, Isfahan - 81846-73441, Iran
2Department of Biology, Branch of Falavarjan,
Islamic Azad
University, - 84718-53996, Iran
3Department of
Biology, Sciences and Research Branch of Fars,
Islamic Azad
University - 73715-181, Iran
July 29, 2009;
Revised received: January
18, 2009; Accepted: February 24, 2010)
Abstract: Sweet sorghum is
adapted to the hot and dry climatic conditions and its tolerance to slat is
moderately. It can be used for different products such as food, feed, fiber and
fuel. This study was carried out to evaluate the effects, three nitrogen
treatments, and three harvesting stages on the aconitic
acid, fiber and invert sugar of three sweet sorghum cultivars in the
experimental station and the results showed that the effects were significant.
Among nitrogen treatments, application of 100 kg ha-1 urea at
planting and 200 kg ha-1 urea at 4 leaf stage had the highest aconitic acid (0.26%) and invert sugar (3.44%). Among sweet
sorghum cultivars, IS2325 and Vespa had the highest aconitic acid (0.26%) and invert sugar (3.86%),
respectively. Plant harvested at 4 leaf stage had the highest aconitic acid (0.26%) and the highest invert sugar (3.85%).
Rio had higher fiber content than Vespa and IS2325 and all cultivars had the highest fiber content? before
chilling harvesting stage. In general, since high invert sugar and high aconitic acid interfere crystallization of sugar so, it is
suggested that to plant Vespa, apply urea 100 kg ha-1
urea at planting, 100 kg ha-1 urea at 4 leaf stage and 100 kg ha-1
urea at booting and harvested before chilling that had lowest aconitic acid and invert sugar. Thereby, it is recommended
to plant Vespa, apply urea 100 kg ha-1
urea at planting, 100 kg ha-1 urea at 4 leaf stage and 100 kg ha-1
urea at booting and harvested at 4 leaf stage that had
the highest aconitic acid.
Key words: Sweet sorghum, Nitrogen treatments, Harvesting stages, Invert sugar,
Fiber and aconitic acid
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