Chemometric studies of water quality parameters of Sankarankovil
of Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu
G. Alagumuthu* and M. Rajan
Department of Chemistry, Research Centre, Sri
College, Alwarkurichi
- 627 412, India
(Received: November 10, 2008; Revised
received: May 25,
2009; Accepted: June 09, 2009)
Abstract: The fluoride concentration in ground
water was determined in Sankarankovil block of Tirunelveli district of Tamilnadu
where it is the only source of drinking water. Various other water quality
parameters such as pH, electrical conductivity, total hardness and total
alkalinity as well as calcium, magnesium, carbonate, bicarbonate and chloride
concentrations were also measured. A systematic calculation of correlation
co-efficient among different physico-chemical
parameters was performed. The analytical results indicated considerable
variations among the analyzed samples with respect to their chemical
composition. Majority of the samples do not comply with Indian as well as WHO
water quality standards. The fluoride concentration in the ground water of
these villages varied from 0.66 to 3.84 mg l-1, causes dental fluorosis
among people especially children of these villages. The high and low fluoride
containing areas were located using isopleth mapping
technique. Overall water quality was found unsatisfactory for drinking purposes
without any prior treatment except at few locations out of 50 villages.
Key words: Correlation, Fluoride, Fluorosis,
Ground water, Isopleth
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