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Journal of Environmental BiologypISSN: 0254-8704 ; eISSN: 2394-0379 ; CODEN: JEBIDP |
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Abstract - Issue Sep 2010, 31 (5) BackInheritance
of pod and seed traits in chickpea B. Tuba Bicer* and Department
of Field Crops, Faculty of Agriculture, (Received: Abstract: A 4 x 4 full-diallel
cross was studied to estimate the gene effects and genetic parameters of pod
and seed? traits.
According to Hayman?s method, additive genetic
variance was significant for pod length and seed length and width, also, both
additive and dominance genetic variance were significant for pod thickness and
width. As additive gene effects were significant for pod and seed traits, it is
suggesting the selection of this traits early
generations. Partial dominance was important for traits. The high narrow sense
heritability of pod and seed traits was between 86 and 97%. Key
words: Cicer arietinum L., Chickpea, Diallel,
Heritability, PDF of full length paper is available online Copyright ? 2010 Triveni Enterprises. All rights reserved. No part of the Journal can be reproduced in any form
without prior permission. Responsibility regarding the authenticity of the
data, and the acceptability of the conclusions enforced or derived, rest
completely with the author(s). |