Impact of fishing methods on conservation of ichthyofauna of
river Relli in Darjeeling Himalaya
of West Bengal
Manik L. Acharjee1
and Sudip Barat*2
1Department of Zoology, Kalimpong College,
Darjeeling - 734 301, India
2Aquaculture and Limnology Laboratory,
Department of Zoology, University of North Bengal, Darjeeling,
Siliguri - 734 013, India
(Received: October 30, 2008; Revised
received: February
10, 2009; Accepted: March 02, 2009)
Impact of fishing methods and gears used on fish faunal diversity in
spring?fed torrential river Relli in Darjeeling
hill area of West Bengal was investigated in
the present study. The fish species available in the river provide nutrition
and recreation (rarely income generating) for a large number of people residing
along the river bank and nearby villages and towns. The fishing methods
observed therein have been categorized as, i)
Scientific fishing methods, that is, collection of required number and size of
fish so that sufficient population of fish remains balanced in the nature. ii)
Unscientific fishing methods, that is, indiscriminate killing of large number
of fish which adversely affect the water quality of rivers. Ten types of
fishing methods are practiced in this area, for example, diversion of river
channel, cast netting, scoop netting, angling, fish spearing, rock striking or
hammering, dynamiting, electric fishing, river poisoning and traps utilized.
Over the years uncontrolled and often indiscriminate fishing in the unmanaged hill-stream has resulted in a sharp
decline in fish resources. The study gives a clear picture on the anthropogenic
pressure on the river Relli and provides baseline
data which may be helpful for conservation and management of the fish species
and also formulating new fishery policy.
Key words: Fishing methods, Fish conservation, Hill- stream,
Darjeeling Himalaya
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