Effects of spacing and post-planting treatments on
survival and
growth of Fraxinus angustifolia
Cicek1, Faruk Yilmaz1, Fahrettin Tilki*2 and Nurten Cicek1
1Faculty of Forestry, Duzce University,
Duzce - 81620, Turkey
of Forestry, Artvin
Coruh University,? Artvin -
08000, Turkey
(Received: January 24, 2009; Revised
received: May 21,
2009; Accepted: June 26, 2009)
Abstract: This study was conducted at a
bottomland hardwood site with heavy textured soil in Akyazi, Turkey to determine the effect of
initial spacing (3.0 x 3.0, 3.0 x 2.0, 2.5 x 1.6 and 2.5 x 1.2 m) and
post-planting treatments (untreated check, moving, hoeing, disking, and hoeing
plus disking) on early survival and growth of Fraxinus
angustifolia Vahl. One-year
old bare-root seedlings (70?5 cm in height) were hand-planted in December
2004.? Through three years survival was
perfect with a rate of 98% in all treatments. Spacing and the interaction
between spacing and post-planting treatment did not significantly affect
seedling growth through three years.?
However, height and diameter growth increased over time and differed
significantly among post-planting treatments. The hoeing and hoeing plus
disking treatments gave the highest growth, and resulted in about 31% increase
in diameter and height increment, and in total diameter and height about
20%.? These results suggest that
post-planting treatments on bottomland sites with heavy textured soil give promising results.
Key words: Ash, Field performance,
Spacing, Vegetation control
?????? ?PDF of full length paper is available online
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