Nitrogen mineralization in a high altitude
ecosystem in the
Mediterranean phytogeographical
region of Turkey
Guleryuz1, Salih Gucel*2 and Munir Ozturk3
1Uludag University, Science and Arts Faculty, Biology
Department, Gorukle, Bursa
- 16059, Turkey
2Near East University,
Environmental Sciences Inst, Nicosia, Northern Cyprus - 33010
3Ege University,
Science Faculty, Botany Department, Bornova, Izmir - 35100, Turkey
(Received: August 12, 2008; Revised received: February 17, 2009;
Accepted: March
02, 2009)
Abstract: Interrelations exist in the
terrestrial ecosystems between the plant type and characteristics of nutrient
uptake. Annual net nitrogen mineralization in soils of different plant
communities in the high altitude zone of Spil? mountain located in
the Mediterranean phytogeographical region of Turkey was
investigated throughout one year by field incubation method. Seasonal
fluctuations resulting from field incubation were markedly higher in autumn and
spring than summer. These are mainly associated with the changes in soil
moisture being at minimum in the Mediterranean summer. A significant
correlation was developed between the net Nitrate (kg NO3--N ha week-1)
production and soil water content (p<0.05; r =0.316 in soil of 0-5 cm; r
=0.312 in soil of 5-15 cm). The results showed that the annual productivity of
nitrogen mineralization shows different values depending on communities. Annual
net ammonium (NH4+-N) production in the soils of each
community was negatively estimated. However, annual net nitrate (NO3--N)
production (0-15 cm) was higher in grassland (27.8 kg ha y-1) and
shrub (25.0 kg ha y-1) than forest (12.4 kg ha y-1)
community. While annual net Nmin values were close to each other in
grassland (14.5 kg ha y-1) and shrub (14.1 kg ha y-1), but
negative in forest community (-3.6 kg ha y-1). The reasons for these
differences are discussed.
Key words: Nitrogen Mineralization, Nitrification, High
altitude, Grassland, Shrub, Forest
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