Stability of some
quality traits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) genotypes
Mut*1, Nevzat Aydin2, H. Orhan
Bayramoglu3 and Hasan Ozcan3
1Faculty of Agriculture,
Department of Field Crops, Bozok
University, Yozgat
- 66100, Turkey
2Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University,
Vocational School, Karaman, 70200, Turkey
Sea Agricultural Research Institute,
Samsun-55300, Turkey
November 11,
2008; Revised received: March 27, 2009; Accepted: April 30, 2009)
Abstract: This study was
carried out in order to determine some quality traits such as thousand grain
weight (TGW), hectoliter weight (HW), grain protein content (GPC), Zeleny sedimentation volume (ZSV) and stability of quality
traits of 25 bread wheat genotypes. The experiment was conducted at seven
environmental conditions during 2 growing periods (2003-2004 and 2004-2005)
using randomized complete block design with four replicates. The ANOVA showed
that out of the total sum of squares, 48.4, 28.0 and 23.6% for TGW, 71.4, 14.9 and
13.7% for HW, 54.4, 23.0 and 22.6% for GPC, 44.7, 41.7 and 13.6% for ZSV was
attributable to E, G and G x E interaction effects, respectively. Thousand
grain weight, hectoliter weight, grain protein content and Zeleny
sedimentasyon volume of genotypes changed from 34.5
to 41.4 g, from 76.5 to 80.4 Kg, from 11.49 to 13.37% and from 22.1 to 46.0 ml,
respectively. Seven stability parameters, covering a wide range of statistical
approaches, were used so as to predict the genotypes. The study of genotypic
stability showed that Bezostaya and advanced lines
numbered 11 and 24 had high stability for quality traits and proved to be the
best within the pool of the studied genotypes. Also, 8 and 17 numbered
genotypes demonstrated high stability for TGW, HW, GPC and HW, GPC and ZSV,
Key words: Genotype x environment interaction, Stability, Bread wheat, Quality
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