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    Abstract - Issue Jul 2010, 31 (4)                                     Back

Abstract _17

Effects of cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa on the filtration rate and

mortality of the freshwater bivalve Corbicula leana


Soon-Jin Hwang1, Ho-Sub Kim2, Jung-Hwan Park1 and Baik-Ho Kim*1

1Department of Environmental Science, Konkuk University, Seoul 143-701, Republic of Korea

2Han River Environmental Research Laboratory, National Institute of Environmental Research, Gyeonggi 476-823, Republic of Korea

(Received: September 22, 2008; Revised received: April 15, 2009; Accepted: May 18, 2009)


Abstract: We compared filtering rates (FR) and mortalities between freshwater filter-feeding bivalve Corbicula leana acclimatized (AM) and non-acclimatized (NAM) to an cyanobacterial bloom (mainly Microcystis aeruginosa) over seven days. Both mussel populations were simultaneously stocked into mesocosms constructed in littoral zones of a eutrophic lake at a density of 740 ind. m-2 for 16 days. NAMs decreased the concentration of chlorophyll-a 50% less than AMs. For the first seven days, the FRs (0.46~0.61) and mortality rate (slope = -30.2, r = -0.95) of NAMs were higher than those of AMs, possibly due to a sudden increase in unselective filtering. From the eighth day, NAM mortality decreased rapidly and then stabilized, becoming similar to that of AMs through the end of the experiment. Stocking both AMs and NAMs increased the NH4-N concentration in the water, and the mortality rates of both mussel populations were correlated with NH4-N. In contrast, other nutrients and microcystin concentrations? were not significantly associated with mussel mortality. These results indicate that although a sudden introduction of non-acclimatized C. leana may partially control phytoplankton biomass for a short period, previous short-term acclimatization is needed to minimize mussel mortality.

Key words: Freshwater bivalve, Corbicula leana, Cyanobacteria, Filtration rate, Mortality

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