characterization of tannery wastewater in Dhaka, Bangladesh
C.R. Arias-Barreiro1, H. Nishizaki1,
K. Okubo2, I. Aoyama1
and I.C. Mori*1
1Research Institute for
Bioresources, Okayama
University, Kurashiki -
710-0046, Japan
School of Environmental Science, Okayama University,
Okayama -
700-8530, Japan
(Received: November 19, 2008; Revised received: May 22, 2009;
Accepted: June
27, 2009)
Abstract: Tanning industries are one of the main economic
activities in Bangladesh.
It has been well documented that wastewater discharged from tanneries without
appropriate treatment results in detrimental effects on the ecosystem. No ecotoxicity evaluation of any aquatic environment in Bangladesh has
been conducted so far. In this study, a battery of toxicity bioassays and
chemical analysis were carried out from water samples obtained from three
sampling points:? upstream from
discharging site on River Buriganga (S1),? raw wastewater effluent (S2), and downstream
the discharging sluice gate (S3), in the Hazaribagh
tannery area of Dhaka City, Bangladesh. While S1 and S3 water samples did not
show significant toxicity in the bioassays tested, S2 exhibited high acute
toxicity to the bacterium Vibrio fischeri
(15-min Microtox? test, EC50 = 9.8%), the
higher plant Lactuca sativa (5-day root elongation
inhibition test, EC50 = 14.2%), and the microcrustacean
Daphnia magna (24-hour mobility test, EC50 = 31.5%). The results
suggested that the raw wastewater effluent had detrimental effects on broad
spectrum of organisms in the aquatic ecosystem and bacterium was the most
sensitive. The chemical analysis revealed that sample S2 contained an extremely
high concentration of chromium (47 g l-1). Additionally,
microbiological analysis indicated that the sampling area is impacted by fecal
pollution, increasing the environmental health risk for its inhabitants.
Key words: Buriganga River, Ecotoxicity, Chromium
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