Journal of Environmental BiologypISSN: 0254-8704 ; eISSN: 2394-0379 ; CODEN: JEBIDP |
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Abstract - Issue May 2008, 29 (3) BackDiurnal
photosynthesis, water use efficiency and light use efficiency of wheat under
Mediterranean field conditions Fatih Evrendilek*1,
Jiftah Ben Asher2 and Mehmet
Aydin3 1Department of Environmental
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Agriculture, Abant
Izzet Baysal University, Golkoy Campus, 14280 Bolu, Turkey 2Department of Dryland Agriculture, Institute for Desert Research,
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Sede Boqer
Campus, 684993, Israel 3Department of Soil Science,
Mustafa Kemal University, Antakya-Hatay,
31034, Turkey (Received: July 27, 2006;
Revised received: November 02, 2006; Accepted: December 15, 2006) Abstract: Photosynthesis
and transpiration rates of wheat leaves (Triticum aestivum L.) were measured at 30 min intervals under
Mediterranean field conditions, using Photosynthesis Monitor system (PM-48M).
The dynamics of net photosynthetic rate (PN), transpiration rate (ET),
water use efficiency (WUE), light use efficiency (LUE), stomatal
conductance (gs), photosynthetically
active radiation (PAR), air temperature (T), relative humidity (RH), and
atmospheric CO2 concentration (Catm)
were quantified at five rainfed wheat sites with the
same stages of development (midflowering) along
south-to-north and east-to-west transects for eight days in April. Diurnal PN
(3.6 to 6.6 µmol m-2 s-1), PAR (392 to 564 µmol m-2
sec-1), LUE (0.006 to 0.015) and WUE (0.0001 to 0.011) did not vary
significantly across all five wheat sites (p>0.05). PN and ET
were strongly coupled and highly correlated with PAR (p<0.001). Best
multiple linear regression (MLR) models accounted for 92% of variations in PN
as a function of PAR and ET, and 90% in ET as a function
of PAR and RH (p<0.001). PN exhibited a peak at mid-morning, and
a photosynthetic midday depression under the limiting effects of high
evaporative demand. Diurnal variations in WUE and LUE showed a bimodal behavior
with the maximum values in early morning and late afternoon. As the impacts of global climate change
become increasingly felt, continuous measurements of climate-crop-soil-management
interactions under natural conditions play a pivotal role not only in exploring
changes in ecophysiological properties of strategic
crops for food security such as wheat but also in devising preventive and mitigative management practices to ensure sustained
agricultural productivity. Key
Light use efficiency, Transpiration, Water use efficiency, Wheat PDF of full length paper is available with author ( Copyright © 2008 Triveni Enterprises. All rights reserved. No part of the Journal can be
reproduced in any form without prior permission. Responsibility regarding
the authenticity of the data, and the acceptability of the conclusions enforced
or derived, rest completely with the author(s). |