Journal of Environmental BiologypISSN: 0254-8704 ; eISSN: 2394-0379 ; CODEN: JEBIDP |
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Abstract - Issue May 2008, 29 (3) BackEpipelagic mesozooplankton
succession and community structure over a marine outfall area in the northeastern South China Sea Li Chun Tseng1,
Ram Kumar1,2, Hans Uwe Dahms1,
Chun Te Chen3, Qing Chao
Chen4 and Jiang Shiou
Hwang*1 1Institute of Marine
Biology, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung -
20224, Taiwan, ROC 2Department of Zoology, Acharya Narendra Dev College,
University of Delhi, New Delhi - 110 019, Inida 3Institute of Fishery
Science, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung -
20224, Taiwan, ROC 4South China Sea Institute
of Oceanography, Academia Sinica, Guangzhou -510 301
China (Received: October 24, 2006
; Revised received: April 04, 2007 ; Re-revised received: May 18, 2007 ;
Accepted: June 05, 2007) Abstract: This
study analyses distribution and abundance patterns of mesozooplankton
communities at 13 stations in the coastal waters over a marine outfall area in
the northeastern South China Sea. Cruises were
conducted in March, June and September 2002, and plankton samples were
collected with a 333 μm
North Pacific net. The Mesozooplankton was dominated
by calanoid Copepods, Cladocera,
Chaetognatha and Pteropoda.
Stations located near the entrance of the harbor
provided a relatively higher abundance of Noctilucales
and Radiolarians. In total, 20 zooplankton groups were identified in which, Calanoida,Cladocera, Chaetognatha, Pteropoda, Poecilostomatoida and Appendicularia
comprised 92.77% of the total zooplankton abundance. Copepoda
dominated in all three cruises, comprising 65.32% of the total mesozooplankton abundance. Samples collected in June
recorded higher mesozooplankton abundance than March
and September samples. Onshore stations recorded higher BOD values, higher
abundance of Noctilucales and Radiolarians and a
relatively lower abundance of the overall mesozooplankton.
Total mesozooplankton abundance did not correlate
significantly with temperature, pH, or dissolved oxygen, but correlated
negatively with BOD. Key
words: Mesozooplankton,
Copepod, Outfalls, South China sea PDF of full length paper is available with author ( Copyright ? 2008 Triveni Enterprises. All rights reserved. No part of the Journal can be
reproduced in any form without prior permission. Responsibility regarding
the authenticity of the data, and the acceptability of the conclusions enforced
or derived, rest completely with the author(s). |