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Journal of Environmental BiologypISSN: 0254-8704 ; eISSN: 2394-0379 ; CODEN: JEBIDP |
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Abstract - Issue Apr Supplement 2007, 28 (2) BackDetermination of soil erosion
in a steep hill slope with different land-use types: A case study in Mertesdorf
(Ruwertal/Germany) Sezgin Hacisalihoglu* Department
of Watershed Management, Faculty of Forestry, (Received:
September 09, 2005 ; Revised received: February 15,
2006 ; Accepted: March 20, 2006) Abstract: Inappropriate land use is one of the
main reasons for soil erosion and land degradation. Vine growing plays an
important role in many semiarid regions all over the world as a permanent plant
cover in terms of preventing erosion, sustainable use of land and water
resources, defense against desertification and settling population in rural
areas. In this paper, in a steep hill slope of the village Mertesdorf
(Ruwertal/Germany), Algemeine
boden abtrags gleichung (ABAG) have been applied to determine and compare
the soil erosion amounts between the different land use types such as vine
growing, forest lands, grasslands, shrubs and new forestations. The results
show that the soil erosion amounts differs in a high ratio between the land use
types. Soil erosion amounts in the vine growing areas are the highest (6.47
t/ha/year), then comes with 1.19 t/ha/year the over grazed grasslands and the
lowest erosion amounts have been determined, as expected, in the forest lands
(0.66 t/ha/year). Key words: Soil erosion, Land use, Vineyard,
ABAG, USLE Copyright
? 2007 Triveni Enterprises. All rights reserved. No part of the Journal can be reproduced in any
form without prior permission. Responsibility regarding the authenticity
of the data, and the acceptability of the conclusions enforced or derived, rest
completely with the author(s). |