Journal of Environmental BiologypISSN: 0254-8704 ; eISSN: 2394-0379 ; CODEN: JEBIDP |
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Abstract - Issue Jul 2006, 27 (3) BackAssessment of noise level
in Burdwan town, West Bengal J. K. Datta1, S. Sadhu2,
of Environmental Science, 2Departmant of Law, 3Institute
of Science Education, (Received: 16 October 2004 ;
Accepted: 8 July, 2005) Abstract: Cities and towns of the world are
now facing enormous rise of noise pollution problem due to very high population
rise, transport congestion and associated commercial and industrial activities.
Burdwan, a district headquarter (100 km away from Kolkata) is one such town
where noise pollution is very frequent. In order to assess noise level, noise
data were collected from various places of the town by sound level meter with a
duration of 30minutes/location during specified time like 6.00am, 10.00am, 1.00pm,
4.00pm and 6.00pm. Most of the monitoring places either belongs to silence
category or commercial category areas. From the tabulated data, it was found
that sound level lies within the range of 64-85dB or above in different time at
different places. The locations that belong to the silence zone have the noise
level up to 90dB. Statistically noise level in all these zones differ significantly
at their peak hours. Noise pollution adversely affects our environment as well
as human beings. Sound causes both pathological and psychological disorders in
human beings. Implementation of rules and regulations under section 20, 21J,
41, 68(I), 70, 90, 111A of Environment Protection Act, 1986 and of course
various technological methods and public awareness are very essential to check
noise pollution in Burdwan town.? Key words: Noise level, Burdwan, West Bengal, Sound level meter Copyright ? 2006
Triveni Enterprises. All rights reserved. No part of the Journal can be
reproduced in any form without prior permission. Responsibility regarding
the authenticity of the data, and the acceptability of the conclusions enforced
or derived, rest completely with the author(s). |