Identification of a sensitive index during fish bioassay of an azo dye methyl
red (untreated and treated)
Shweta Sharma1,
Subhasini Sharma1 and K.P. Sharma2
1Department of Zoology, 2Department
of Botany, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur-302 004, India
(Received: 16 October, 2004 ;
Accepted: 28 April, 2005)
Acute and chronic toxicity of methyl red (untreated) was examined on a
freshwater fish Poecilia reticulata,
using indices viz; mortality, reduction in RBC counts
and their morphological abnormality (poikilocytosis
and anisocytosis). Similar studies (acute toxicity)
were also made in physicochemically and biologically
treated methyl red. Data comparison of these four indices revealed poikilocytosis as the most sensitive index, since it
measured higher toxicity of methyl red when fish mortality was either minimum
at its low concentration (5 ppm) during both acute
and chronic toxicity or even nil in the biologically treated 100 ppm methyl red, during acute toxicity. Mortality was next
to poikilocytosis though it ranked 1st at
higher concentration of methyl red during acute toxicity. The reduction in RBC
counts however, was found to be the most sensitive parameter only in case of
prolonged exposure (4 weeks) to 5 ppm methyl red.
Amongst the four indices used for quantifying toxicity; anisocytosis
was found to be the least expressive. Based on these findings we recommend
quantification of data on fish mortality and poikilocytosis
during acute toxicity whereas reduction in RBC counts and poikilocytosis
during chronic exposure to methyl red.
Key words:
Fish bioassay, Methyl red, Mortality, RBC counts, Poikilocytosis,
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